Apple has reportedly been working with SpaceX and T-Mobile to add support for the Starlink satellite network's direct-to-cell(DTC) service in its latest iPhone software, providing an alternative to the company’s in-house satellite-communication service. The initial version of Starlink is exclusively for texting, but SpaceX and T-Mobile have said that they plan to expand into data connections and voice calls in the future.
This development marks a significant step in expanding satellite connectivity for smartphone users, with the Starlink option designed to work automatically, even when the phone is in a customer’s pocket.
The Starlink DTC service is currently available only in the US and is limited to T-Mobile users, with a small number of iPhones enabled as part of a beta test. The current Apple feature requires users to point their iPhone to the sky to find a satellite, whereas the Starlink option is designed to work automatically.
Participants in the beta received messages from T-Mobile, informing them of their inclusion in the Starlink program. The company said that the test will initially support select smartphones, with plans to expand to more devices.
The integration of Starlink into iPhones is seen as a major accessibility shift, making off-the-grid communication more accessible to users.
SpaceX is looking to expand Starlink's DTC service to other carriers globally, and the program may be available on other devices in the future.