The Russian Progress MS-29 cargo resupply ship, also referred to as ISS Progress 90, successfully docked autonomously to the space-facing port of the Poisk module on the International Space Station on Saturday Nov. 23, at 1431 UTC. Its nearly three tons of cargo, include food, fuel, and supplies for the Expedition 72 crew.
A Roscosmos Soyuz rocket launched Progress MS-29 to the ISS from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on Thursday Nov. 21, at 1222 UTC. And it is expected to remain docked for six months, according to NASA officials. When Progress comes back, it will be loaded with trash to naturally burn up in Earth's atmosphere.
The space station, which also recently received cargo from SpaceX Dragon, is expected to be in 0peration until 2030. The ISS is a consortium that includes Russia and NASA as the main partners. Russia, however, plans to pull out of the orbiting complex as soon as 2028.