You may be familiar with the annoying prompt when you want to send an email with a large video or image file attached. Email services like Outlook and Gmail have a file size limit for when you want to send that batch of pictures or a family video clip.
Fortunately there are ways to work around the restrictions. Using Google drive you can easily share large files. As large as 5 TB. With your free gmail account You can upload up to 15 GB
1. Upload file.
First you have to log in to google drive on desktop at or in the mobile app.
On desktop, click the "New" button and select "File upload." This opens your computer's file browser where you can search for and select the file you want to upload. Alternatively, drag a file from the file browser and drop directly on the google drive window. The file will start uploading automatically.
On the mobile app, click the plus button and select "Upload." This opens the device file browser just as on desktop, allowing you to search for the file you want to upload.
2. Share file link.
After uploading, the file is ready for sharing.
On desktop, right-click the file and select the "Share."
- Next, on the sharing menu, click the "Get shareable link" button.
- Adjust the sharing permission and click "Copy link" to copy the shareable link.
Share the link with a recipient via email or any other messaging client
On mobile, tap the vertical ellipsis next to the file you want to share. Tap the "Link sharing off" button to turn it on and then tap "Copy link."
On mobile you can also adjust the permissions to the file. Tap "Details & activity" button.
3. Recipient downloads the file.
On receiving the link, the recipient clicks it to open the file.
If the file opens in google drive, click the "download" button on the top right.
If the files opens in google docs, click select the "download" in the File menu.